Pastor's Weekly Message
March 12, 2025
Special Music Sunday
The Second Sunday of Lent is coming. Join us in a Special Music Sunday;
part of our Lenten Series "Entering the Passion of Jesus: Picturing Ourselves in the Story." We celebrate with "I Am the Lord of the Dance." Come and join in worship and praise! All are welcome.
Yet, in the midst of it all, the Lord of the Dance is with us. This dance, called Life, is everywhere – in the light and in the dark. It is in places of hope and in places of deepest sorrow and tragedy.
How shall we dance our dance for God?
We shall live lives of hope and peace, bringing the good news of Jesus Christ and all that he taught to us, so that others may join the dance.
Praise be to the Lord of the Dance, the Lord of Creation, the Lord of Life! AMEN.
- Nancy C. Townley